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Apple Valley Knives

z Rizzuto Estileto Milano 27cm Japanese Swing guard White vintage automatic knife

z Rizzuto Estileto Milano 27cm Japanese Swing guard White vintage automatic knife

Regular price $350.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $350.00 USD
Sale Sold out

Vintage Rizzuto Estileto Milano 27cm Japanese Swing guard Step bolster White vintage automatic knife measures 26.5cm (10 3/8 inches) open with steel liners, bolsters, guards and safety cap and steel button. This knife was made in Japan in the 1960s and has less common "step bolster) and standard shape guards. The bayonet style blade is 99% full with original factory finish and the ricasso is stamped STAINLESS STEEL and it's also stamped RIZZUTO ESTILETO MILANO on the face below the blade spine. The white synthetic scales are in excellent condition and are held on with brass pins. The knife works well with blade tip deep and centered in the well, strong snap and very good lockup with just a bit of movement each way at the tip as nearly all of these do. Better than most. Safety works. EX+ condition.

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